Update #20: BIG Product Update!

Hey everyone, BIG update for you here: New pictures of the FINAL DESIGN of the helmet! Lets get into it.

Production Update:
Things are really starting to come together here. We've started to get the first samples from our production tools:


These are the first samples of the final design. Its an awesome milestone to witness because you can visibly see the product starting to come together in its true and final form. The result? See for yourself! These are close up pictures of the final product that we’re releasing for the very first time so we are extremely excited, (and a little nervous!) to finally be able to share this with you!

Front view closeup on the white lights - Note the "cloudiness" that hides the underlying LED electronics when the lights are off. 
Front view 
Back view of helmet with turn signal on.
Closeup of the back of the helmet.

The transparency here is actually an accident. This area is supposed to have the same "cloudiness" that you see in the front lights above so that all these electronics get hidden. We were not able to get that done in time for this first sample and for this update, but when we put the transparent shell on, we were a little surprised - We kind of like it! What do you guys think? If you like it too, we might see if we can make a transparent back "special edition" for you guys. Fill out the feedback survey at the end of this update to let us know!

Fit problems from the old beta unit have been addressed and these units fit beautifully now. 

I also made a short video for you guys walking through this sample!

Beta Helmet to Final Helmet - What Changed? 

As you might recall from update #16, through our beta test with over 60 beta testers earlier this year, we determined that the fit of our beta design was not where it needed to be. To fix the problem, we made the tough decision to update the design and do a retooling, which as you know, necessarily meant a delay of the delivery schedule.

But given that we needed to retool anyway to fix the fit issue, we took it as a golden opportunity to overhaul and refine the aesthetic design of the helmet as well, and take it to the next level. 

The result, as you will be able to see for yourself in the comparison photos below, is a helmet design with both significantly improved fit, as well as a sleek and sophisticated aesthetic. 

  • More angled front.
  • More refined lines around the back vent holes
  • Improved design around the power button and charging port
  • Lengthened the turn signal light to bring it further in towards the middle so that it would be more readily visible from directly behind 
  • You can get an even clearer view here of the difference a few curves and lines around the vent holes makes on the overall aesthetic and "feel" of the helmet!
  • We also streamlined the side curvature to give greater clearance to your ears, also giving it a sleeker look.  

Note - These pictures are only of our very first sample. The final unit you receive might look slightly different (eg. color, surface finish etc.)

This is a BIG STEP forward. But there are still quite a few steps involved before we can start shipping out Lumos Helmets! To give you a sense of the timeline and coming milestones:

  • Complete production samples with final packaging and everything (end of June)
  • Passing lab tests (end of July)
  • Commencement of mass production (early August) and commencement of shipping helmets to backers in time for fall (late August)

Remember, orders get shipped out in the order that they were placed, so the earlier you placed your order, the earlier in the shipping batch you will be!

If you have NOT preordered your Lumos Helmet yet, we're still accepting pre-orders on our website at the special pre-order only price. Pre-order today and get your Lumos Helmet in October, just in time for the long nights of fall!


Ride safe!

Eu-wen, Jeff, and the whole Lumos Helmet team


I love the design! I also prefers the transparent clear cover. I recommend you remove the cloudiness at the front as well and have both front and back cover as transparent. Can we get this special edition in September 2016 please?

John Koo June 14, 2016

Awesome. Looking forward to wearing it. Love the transparent look. Should be the standard for all the helmets (front and back). Thanks.

Ervin Mendez June 14, 2016

Love the transparent back cover! I would like to have the front cover transparent as well. Also, I’ve moved since placing my order. How do I change my shipping address?

Barbara Goetz June 14, 2016

Awesome! I also like the transparent rear.
Thanks for the update!

Samuel Matthews June 14, 2016

The transparent cover really sets it off. I also think if you can get rid of the cloudiness of the front would also look great.
Can’t wait to have on in my hot hands and show it off to the bike club,

Bob Smith June 14, 2016

Great work. The helmet looks very cool. Transparent back cover is a nice idea, but then you should consider using also a transparent cover in the front. Mixing the two might look confusing and a bit too much.

Chris Oak June 14, 2016

The transparent back is cool! Run with it!

James Dooley June 14, 2016

I’m looking forward to the new helmet!

John Davis June 14, 2016

Been looking forward to delivery for a long time. Hurry Hurry Hurry !!! Lol

Douglas Graham June 14, 2016

Go with the transparent back , that looks pretty cool. Whole redesigned helmet has s great look and flow. Anxious to get my helmets.

Eric June 14, 2016

Looks really GREAT in the video. I think I like the transparent better than the cloudy as well. Super excited to receive one.

Dale Mooney June 14, 2016

Clear in the back is better, I think, and I would love it to be clear in the front as well. The extra visibility is a perk, but I also like the visible tech.

Naisha June 14, 2016

Hey! I like the transparent design very much and would prefer that!
Whats about that beeping when the turn-signal is activated? Is it possible to turn that off? I could imagine it can be very annoying having that right next to your ears while turning or standing at the traffic lights…

Tobi June 14, 2016

the beeping sounds is irritating loud if its near your ear. maybe instead of beeping other sound you should put tic tic tic sound, just my opinion

felix sabiniano June 14, 2016

I like the helmet design and I’m in agreement that the transparent lights on the final helmet design is excellent.

Lee A. Royster Jr. June 14, 2016

LOVE the transparent lens, and I think transparent on the front would be “boss” too. Get rid of the “cloudy” lens and go transparent front and rear! Looking forward to getting mine!

David Butterbaugh June 14, 2016

I prefer the transparent model.

Frank Weber June 14, 2016

Can’t wait until tomorrow- we have our 8th anniversary and I gey to announce that my husband is going to get his helmet in pre orders in September!!

Nina June 14, 2016

I like the transparent back as well. Looking forward to taking it out on the roads in the fall!

Richard June 14, 2016

Love the final design! I agree with all of the above comments and would suggest going with the transparent model all the way. Thanks.

Todd Voorhees June 14, 2016

Great job and looking very futuristic and obviously very functional. I really like to transparent back end to show the LED’s. I would vote for that look – good things come from making changes – even if they are inadvertent. I would not call this a mistake – just a variation.

Some suggestions for further versions :

1. Are there any thoughts on diversifying the colour range?

2. Another thought is to build in a Blue Tooth earpiece (only one side for legal reasons) – allows to connect with phone with GPS functions if required. I know cycling and making phone calls is not really acceptable but …

3. Apart from obviously have a lamp or light on the front of the bicycle – does the front LED project any broad lighting in front of the bicycle. I am just thinking that this could help night riding to allow the cyclist to "look into the turn "when turning corners as typically your bicycle light fixed position and facing the direction of the bike frame not looking further into the corner. It is a little like some cars now that have their headlights that rotate to some extent into the direction of the turn. I guess this all comes down to power and battery life as well.

All the best and keep the great working happening.

Montreal, Canada
Cell: 514 969 6403

Bretton Wells June 14, 2016

Awesome guys and to echo one of the comments re the clear or cloudy debate – whichever is brightest as that’s the name of the game – right.
Either way though, this side of the pond is v excited to be getting the innovative product you are producing.

Baldrik the Pedro June 14, 2016

Love the new design

Richard June 14, 2016

Love the new design particularly the transparent rear led cover. Would really like to see a picture/video comparing the transparent and translucent rear covers so that I can make an informed choice assuming the option becomes available. Great job guys; very excited.

Jon Raper June 14, 2016

Love the new design! I also concour
A transparent cover for both front & back lighting may provide a brighter
effect for safety and style. I say “Go
for it”!

Patrick Champeau June 14, 2016

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